Improve efficiency and optimize costs with mineral fillers for paperboard
Don’t let machine output be a limiting factor for your container board or folding carton production. Use of our mineral fillers optimizes costs through lower energy requirements and less dependence on virgin and recycled fibers.
Improve opacity
Omya mineral fillers offer excellent light scattering, which means customers can minimize the white top fiber ply without compromising opacity. This provides opportunities for light-weighting or bulk increase whilst maintaining product integrity and reducing environmental impact.
Enhance brightness
High calcium carbonate filler loads enhance the brightness of white top fiber plies by increasing light scattering, reducing the need for more expensive pigments. Omya’s broad portfolio of mineral fillers enables you to choose the right product to achieve your specific brightness requirement.
Maximize efficiency
The dewatering effect of Omya fillers on the paper web can be used to reduce drying energy or increase line speed. Besides fiber replacement, this allows producers to either generate cost savings or to maximize output. Excellent filler performance and our reliable product supply provide quality consistency in your board manufacturing process.
Optimize costs
Omya mineral fillers enable board producers to reduce the amount of fiber required to achieve the same levels of brightness and opacity, as well as reducing drying costs by improving drainage. Higher efficiency and greater output deliver significant cost optimization.
Talk to an expert
Ask our technical team about our on-site options, where we manufacture fillers at your site in a satellite plant.
Calcium carbonate has a lower carbon footprint than most of the fibers it replaces. Our calcium carbonate fillers reduce reliance on virgin or recycled fibers, require less energy to produce, and allow paperboard manufacturers to increase throughput whilst minimizing drying time.
Our mineral fillers can be used to enhance opacity and brightness, enabling less white top fiber to be used. They help reduce production costs and environmental impact, making paperboard production more sustainable.